Our Mission
Go, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Christ has commanded; and know He is with us always.
We at Cathedral Baptist Jonesboro love God, each other and the people in our city. We’re confident you’ll feel right at home in our community of faith!
Service Times
10:00 AM – Sunday School for all ages
11:00 AM – Worship and Message
6:00 PM – Worship and Message
6:00 PM – AWANA for kids 2-18
6:00 PM – Meal and a Message

Are you curious about our church. Click below to find out more about our community of believers.
Our Core Values
C- Catalyst. We believe the Bible is the catalyst for transformation in a persons life. Our passion is accurate, practical, and relevant teaching of the Bible.
A- Acceptance. We believe all people matter to God and ought to matter to our church. We want everyone to experience God’s grace and love in a world suffering from sin.
T- Teamwork. We believe Jesus prayed that we would be one, just as, He and the Father are one. This unity enhances Christian growth, life-change, and ministry effectiveness in all areas of functioning.
H- Holy Spirit. We believe He lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides Christians with power for daily living, understanding of spiritual truth, and power for witnessing to others. The Christian is commanded to live under the Spirit’s control every day.
E- Equipping. We believe in building up and equipping the saints for every good work. This is accomplished through the proclaiming of the Scripture, inspired by God, which is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, and training in righteousness.
D- Discipleship. We believe, by Jesus’ example, there is a relational depth that can be found beyond the group experience. Capturing the power of one-to-one relationships is a powerful way to not only make disciples, but disciple-makers.
R- Reaching In. We believe 2706 Alexander Dr. in Jonesboro, AR is where God has placed us. Reaching into this community is our immediate mission field. Sending out missionaries from here to the whole world is our greater mission.
A- Adoration. We look for God’s love in our lives as the opportunity to reflect praise and adoration to Him. We celebrate together with great music, teaching and prayer.
L- Life Worth Living. We believe the real excitement in life happens when submission to God is pursued, and purpose and meaning is given to the brokenness of life. We want ALL things to be used for God’s honor and glory.