We understand looking for a church is a hard thing. Walking through the doors for the first time is probably the hardest part. What are the people like? Are they like me? Will my kids have fun and still learn something about God? Are they conservative or more liberal? What kind of music do they sing?
Those are real. I understand and remember what it was like. Honestly, even as a Pastor I still ask some of those questions when I visit a church for the first time.
At Cathedral, we want to make it as easy as possible to join in with our community of believers. Greeters will welcome you at the door, but no one is going to smother you. I promise. Come in, find a place on a pew and sit down. Sing along with the song service, or it's okay to sit and listen along.
When the service is over we hope that you will feel comfortable enough to come back again. If you don't, please let me know what we can do to make your next visit better.

Ken Beaver
Our Church Culture
When you enter Cathedral, you’ll experience a traditional church setting. We have pews, a vaulted ceiling with exposed beams and stained glass windows on the sides. We sing out of hymnals, but the words are also on the screen at the front of the church. We mix in some contemporary music as well. You won’t see many, if any, suits; you could see a couple of ties, but we’re pretty informal. We have a healthy mix of age groups. We are a friendly group of people that love God and our community. It is our hope you walk away with that feeling above all else.